About Me

Hello! My name is Sunil Puri.

I am fully trained to provide Tension Release Exercises (TRE) sessions. See here for the benefits of TRE. In short, TRE can be a very useful technique to release the build up of stress held throughout the body through neurogenic tremors.

As many years as a practising meditator, I can offer hour-long masterclasses on deepening meditation techniques. If you’ve always liked the idea of meditating but find it rather dull, or a bit of a chore, you might want a consultation. Imagine actually wanting to meditate without pressuring yourself!

My studying of NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming) and other cognitive behavioural techniques has enabled me to create imaginative techniques which can be utilized to change the quality of your inner experience and enable emotional state regulation. If you need coaching through a particular difficulty, contact me for a consultation.

Feel free to explore my range of services, or visit the contact page to get in touch.

Sunil Puri
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