Author name: Sunil Puri

TRE provider, meditation and wellbeing coach for Stress reduction and tension release and emotional regulation.


27th February 2021 – TRE workshop at Yoga Republic, Phuket. Join me to experience first hand the beneficial effects of TRE, from a qualified practitioner.Aims:Attendees practise and learn about the TRE process and how to utilise it in their lives. I will guide participants into enabling a deeper level of deep release from muscular tension, […]

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Corona Laughter

Why we need laughter yoga now more than ever. It can’t have escaped your attention that 2020 was less than stellar for most people around the globe.  With the coronavirus and it’s resulting lockdowns, curfews and ‘self-isolating’, not to mention working from home (if you were lucky enough to escape with a job to ‘work

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