Delve into the world of TRE (Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises) with our  resources. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced practitioner, our content can guide you on a inner journey toward emotional and physical well-being. Explore natural methods for releasing tension and trauma and utilising the rest and restore part of your nervous system.

How I started TRE

I came across TRE after a friend mentioned they were studying it. As a long time yoga and mindfulness practitioner, the idea of shaking to release deep patterns of muscular tension and stress made a lot of sense intellectually to me.If you know the yoga pose “Goddess” – a challenging pose which can often be

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Introduction to TRE

Tension Release Exercises, as created by Dr. David Berceli are more than a simple number of exercises. The exercises are designed to fatigue certain muscles in the body, which then allow the body to release tension through neuromuscular tremors. These tremors release deep-rooted muscular tension, that enables the regulation of the nervous system so that

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27th February 2021 – TRE workshop at Yoga Republic, Phuket. Join me to experience first hand the beneficial effects of TRE, from a qualified practitioner.Aims:Attendees practise and learn about the TRE process and how to utilise it in their lives. I will guide participants into enabling a deeper level of deep release from muscular tension,

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