
Coaching services offer a tailored approach to personal development and growth. Through one-on-one interactions, I create a safe and supportive space for clients to explore their aspirations, identify obstacles, and develop strategies to overcome them.

Coaching goes beyond just goal-setting; it’s about unlocking one’s full potential. I work closely with clients to uncover their unique strengths, values, and passions, helping them realize their capabilities and aspirations. This process of self-discovery and empowerment builds confidence and resilience, enabling individuals to navigate life’s challenges with greater clarity and determination. In essence, coaching services offer a personalized roadmap to success, helping individuals not only reach their goals but also become the best versions of themselves along the way.

A handshake on a grass baackground

Coaching: An Introduction

Recently I was lucky enough to complete a MOE certified coach training programme. 6 weeks of intensive theory and practice later, and I am able to work with people using the excellent skills I learnt through the course. The best summary of coaching I heard was:

“How far can your mind go before it needs mine?” – Nancy Kline

It enables a coachee to think through an issue they bring by being facilitated through the posing of focussed questions by the coach. It really is the most elegant way of working through a problem that you might be experiencing with someone who is simply trained to facilitate your own understanding of the issues.

I found that after each session I felt really energized and motivated. Having a good conversation with someone does a similar thing. It energizes and uplifts. Inspiring conversations and interactions can be moments which really shift the energy around something important to us. And that is what I experienced being coached and also being the coach.

I have to admit that I was fairly sceptical before the course, but I could hardly deny the change in my energy and demeanour after coaching!

If you would like to be coached by myself on any life goals, or even smaller goals, please contact me for a non-obligatory consultation.

My coaching follows the model designed to get you clear on your goals and ambitions, so even if you are feeling stuck energetically, please do get in touch.

I can also coach you to enable yourself to rest more deeply and peacefully. If you are experiencing stress, tension or trauma, coaching can be an empowering way out of the maze of information and advice offered.

Book your coaching session today

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