FAQ’s of a TRE session

Your TRE Q’s answered

Here are some of the most commonly asked questions on TRE answered.

Q: What is TRE ?

A: A new process which activates the psoas muscle and enables the body to tremor and shake which releases tension from the body.

See this short explanatory video by its creator …

Q: What do I need to do it?

A: A space large enough to lie on the floor (on a mat!) – a small room would be sufficient.

Q: What should I wear?

A: Anything comfortable which gives you freedom of movement – not dissimilar to what you might wear at a yoga session.

Q: How long does a session last?

A: The whole session will last 60 minutes with an introduction and debrief included in the time.

Q: What is it good for?

A: It is designed to release deep patterns of tension from the body, so stress relief is an obvious answer! However, the benefits reported by practitioners are numerous. It has helped some with anxiety and panic attacks, and also helped those who may have suffered past trauma or abuse. It can be useful to bear in mind that it is the body releasing stress and excess energy through the shaking mechanism. The mind may or may not register the causation of that original stress incident. In other words – not everyone consciously identifies particular issues being ‘released’ – but many people do.

Others have reported feelings of developing a far deeper connection with their body, and a growing sense of embodiment in their lives.

Q: Do I need to have a facilitator to try TRE?

A: No. It is possible to find the exercises online and try TRE out by yourself, but it is prudent to get an experienced facilitator and practitioner to help ensure you get the most from your session. Having someone there who can offer support and, crucially, make physical adjustments, can make all the difference and make the experience more profound and beneficial. Personally I’ve found that witnessing and giving feedback to clients about their tremor mechanism has been extremely helpful in terms of deepening and developing their experience of TRE for their personal benefit.

Q: Can I do TRE with the kids around?

A: Nope. Not if you are being facilitated. It’s harder to concentrate and notice the effects on self with distractions. Think of it like an intense yoga session, or a pilates class requiring your full attention. But after a few sessions you may feel more able to deal with some distraction whilst you tremor in your own time!

Q: How much does it cost?

A I charge 2000 thb per 1 hour session. 

A: OK! Think of it like this …. Any organism – whether it is a jellyfish or a human is an organic pulsating living wave. As such it contracts and expands as a natural mechanism of existence and movement.  In the human organism when the pulsation starts to contract it is associated with patterns of tension stored in the body.

The movement of the pulsation can release tension patterns in the body. When an organism is frightened the pulsation reduces. As we return back to a sense of normality we start to pulsate again.

We all vibrate at our own frequency, however when we get stressed, or worse, traumatised, our pulsating can be disrupted, like a jelly fish which bumps against something, and shocked, remains still for some moments, before it starts to pulsate again.

TRE helps the human organism regain a natural state of flow and harmony.

I’m not sure if that helps but it did help me when I heard it from the TRE founder Dr. David Bercelli.

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