How I started TRE
I came across TRE after a friend mentioned they were studying it. As a long time yoga and mindfulness practitioner, the idea of shaking to release deep patterns of muscular tension and stress made a lot of sense intellectually to me.If you know the yoga pose “Goddess” – a challenging pose which can often be met with resignation(!) – you might be aware of the beneficial effects of having your lower body and particularly your deep thigh muscles being worked, stretched and challenged.Personally I found that this exercise was really beneficial to release deep stress and tension, which I was aware of holding, but was unable to find a way to release.It seemed that the deep stretch particularly in my inner thigh seemed to hold a tension which, when released, allowed me to really deepen my relaxation after a yoga class. I was convinced I could feel a really deep seated release when that area was activated and released.So TRE instinctively felt like a modality which made sense to me. Without even trying it once, I decided to explore ways to experience and absorb this new practice that made sense to me intellectually – even if I had not actually done it before.Since then I have completed the 2 modules that enables me to practice with others. I was fortunate enough to complete both modules in person – hence I just avoided the viral lockdown! This was important to me as TRE is, initially at least, much better in person, rather than online. The practice is better started with a knowledgeable guide who can offer the right intervention at the right time to enhance the process.This is an excellent introduction to TRE for those completely new to the modality.