How ‘Non Sleep Deep Rest’ (Yoga Nidra) benefits your health.

I’m fascinated by the many ways that practicing ‘yogic sleep’ works on virtually all aspects of your being to improve the body and mind. Easily and effortlessly. As there are so many ways this practise works, I am will split this into a few blog posts. Part 1 below…   


Non-sleep deep rest is a state of relaxation and rejuvenation that occurs when you’re awake but not actively engaged in stimulating activities. It’s a state where your body and mind can relax and recover without the need for sleep. Non-sleep deep rest can be achieved through practices like meditation, deep breathing, TRE, or simply taking a break from intense mental or physical activities and mindfully rotating awareness around the body and relaxing each area.

During non-sleep deep rest, your body may experience benefits similar to those of sleep, such as reduced stress, lowered heart rate, and improved mental clarity. It can be a valuable way to recharge and refresh yourself, especially when you are not well rested, can’t get a full night’s sleep or need a quick recharge during the day.    Here are some of the benefits to the practice. 

  • Non-sleep deep rest helps lower stress levels by calming the mind and reducing the production of stress hormones like cortisol. This can lead to a greater sense of mental and emotional well-being.
  • Taking short breaks for non-sleep deep rest can boost your cognitive function. It enhances your ability to concentrate, make decisions, and solve problems by allowing your mind to reset and refocus.
  • Resting without sleep can also stimulate creativity. It allows your brain to wander and connect ideas more freely, potentially leading to innovative solutions and fresh insights.
  • Even a brief period of non-sleep deep rest can help reduce or eliminate feelings of physical and mental fatigue, leaving you feeling more energised,  alert and rejuvenated.
  • Regularly incorporating non-sleep deep rest practices into your routine can lead to improved emotional stability and resilience. It can help you manage negative emotions and enhance your overall mood. It can help with your emotional regulation and ability to reduce the impact of a stressful reaction more quickly and efficiently 
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