How Non Sleep Deep Rest benefits your health Part 2

  • Improved Sleep Quality:
  • Surprisingly, non-sleep deep rest can even improve your nighttime sleep. By reducing stress and anxiety during the day, it can make it easier to fall asleep and experience deeper, more restorative sleep at night. It can also enable you to remain calm and rested whilst trying to fall asleep, thus making it more likely you’ll fall asleep. Who sleeps frustrated?! 
  • Physical Relaxation:
  • Non-sleep deep rest often involves relaxation techniques that relax your body as well as your mind. This can lead to reduced muscle tension, lower blood pressure, and other physical benefits.
  • Better Health:
  • Chronic stress and poor sleep are associated with various health problems, including cardiovascular disease, obesity, and weakened immune function. Non-sleep deep rest can help mitigate these risks by promoting relaxation and reducing stress.
  • Increased Productivity
  • Taking short breaks for non-sleep deep rest can actually improve your overall productivity. When you return to your tasks, you’re likely to be more focused and efficient.
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