Does 612 seem like a big number?
I guess it always relies on a comparison to what? 1000?
Seems like a not-so-big number when in comparison to that.
How about 612 months?
Well we refer to babies as 6 months old, 12 months old, and even 18 months old
however, after that, we frequently move on to discussions of age in relation to years.
How does 120 months old sound? 10 years old.
How about 240 months? 20 years old?
One thing it does is it breaks down the unit of measurement into smaller pieces or chunks of time.
How does that feel for you to measure your age in months rather than years? Does it feel comforting? or otherwise?
Personally, it makes me more aware of each month ticking by and whether I have done all that I wanted to in the time I have available. After all – not that many people make it to 1200 months, do they?
If the average age to die in the UK is 80 years old – that makes the average survivable amount of months lived at 960 months.
In that context, being 612 months seems like quite close to reaching the target(!)
Have you achieved everything you wanted to so far in your monthly allowance?
Doesn’t time seem to race by when you think of it in smaller chunks to be either used with volition or are they time-wasted opportunities to move ahead with whatever you planned/ dreamed /imagined/ hoped for?
As CS Lewis said, you can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.
I best get started changing the ending…..